We’re a family-owned business. We work hard to help our drivers anyway we can. We want, and to be honest, expect our drivers to be part of the team. On our end we tell you what we expect from you as well as rates up-front. If there’s going to be a change in the rate because of how the project is structured, you’ll be told up-front and even shown how the rates are established. Having said that, there are rare occasions where we may not have a rate. For example: A customer calls in, has an emergency and needs something that we haven’t quoted. When this happens we set the rate based on what it’s actually costing you to make the 1 or 2 load delivery. If you have a question about your check just come in sit down and let’s look at it. Part of what makes us want to help you is that we also expect a lot from you, especially when it comes to safety and dependability. Part of dependability is your tickets. Tickets are the key to getting paid and it starts with you. NO SIGNED TICKET EQUALS NO PAY. We realize there are times when you arrive on a project and no one is there. If that is the case, simply CALL IN. If you let us know, we will take care of it. Just make a note on the ticket that you called in with the time and who you spoke with.